Monday, August 8, 2011

देशभक्ति नाम नहीं जज्बा है

हर साल १५ अगस्त और २६ जनवरी को हम देश के हर कोने में तिरंगा फहराते हैं और आज़ादी के लिए  कुर्बान हुए उन वीर सपूतों को श्रधांजलि देते हैं जिनकी वजह से आज हम आज़ाद वतन में  जी रहे हैं. उस दिन राष्ट्रगान में सम्मान से जब हम उस खड़े होते हैं तो अन्दर एक अजीब सा उत्साह कौंधता है. ऐसा लगता है की मेरे वतन से बढ़कर कोई महान नहीं. इस धरती के शान पर  मर मिटने को जी करता है. हर वो बात हर वो पाल याद आता है जब हमने  अपने दुश्मनों को परास्त कर अपने देश का गौरव और बढाया हो.

पर ऐसा सिर्फ २६ जनवरी और १५ अगस्त को ही क्यूँ लगता है. क्या आज हमारे लिए देशभक्ति महज़ एक नाम बनकर रह गया है जो हमें बस इन दो दिनों में ही याद आता है . या देशभक्ति एक जज्बा है, जो एक इंसान के हर उस काम में झलकने वाली भावना है , जिसके लिए हर नागरिक ताउम्र म्हणत करता है. कभी १५ अगस्त के दिन जवानों की परेड देखि है , कभी सीने पर मेडल लगाये उन वीर सप्तों को देखा है. उनसे पूछिए देशभक्ति क्या है. क्या वो उनके करियर  की तरह प्रोफेशनल  चीज़ है या देश में फैले करप्शन की तरन कोई बीमारी है.
देशभक्ति हर वो काम जिसमे ओनी भलाई के साथ राष्ट्रहित भी समाहित हो. देश के अरबों रुपये खर्चा कर जब को डॉक्टर, इंजिनियर, साइंटिस्ट, या कोई भी स्किल्लेद लेबर विदेशों में चला जाता है तो भी सिर्फ अपना स्वार्थ साधता है. हम हमेशा सोचते है देश ने हमे क्या दिया है..कभी ये सोचा की हमने देश की लिए क्या किया..पढ़ लिख कर योग्य बन ने का बाद देश के हित के लिए क्या किया...बस यही करप्शन, ब्लैक मार्केटिंग, क्रिमिनल रिकॉर्ड और न जाने क्या क्या. आज पूरी दुनिया भारतीय डोक्टरों, इंजिनियरओं, बिसनेस प्रोफेशनल और साइंटिस्टओं का लोहा मानती है. पर इन लोगों ने भारत में शिक्षा ग्रहण करने के बाद. अपने देश के हित लिए क्या किये. सिर्फ नाम कमाया विदेशों में और वो भी सिर्फ अपनी स्वार्थ पूर्ति के लिए..क्या किया इस देश की  हालत को सुधरने के लिए.. क्या ये सवाल मान कौंधता है कभी ...अगर कौंधता है ..तू पूछिए खुद से. इस देश की दुर्दशा का कारन क्या है..१५ अगस्त मानाने के लिए तो पूरी उम्र पड़ी है .

Thursday, July 7, 2011

jindagi ki rahoon me main ek akeli pathik

kya rakha hai is duniya me
ye jhanjhavatoon ka tufaan hai
jahan insan ki koi kadra nahi
na bhavnaon ka samman hai

aj reh par khade khade
sochne ko majboor hun main
jaun ki raste par akhir
har jagah to baitha dikhta hai bhay

Friday, June 17, 2011

क्या बेचेंगे आप !

चाहे वो स्वतंत्रता के नारे हो या भ्रसटाचार के खिलाफ आवाज़ , हर जगह संतो, स्वामी से लेकर आम आदमी तक ने अनशन का ही सहारा लिया है. लेकिन इस अनशन से न तो किसी समस्या का निपटारा हुआ है न ही किसी का भला. गाँधी जी के अनशनो की बदौलत हमें आजादी तो मिल गयी पर ताउम्र बटवारे के दंश ने हमारा साथ नहीं छोड़ा. १५ अगस्त १९४७ से लेकर आज तक हम अपने पडोसी देशो के साथ तनावपूर्ण वातावरण में जीते आये हैं और जीते रहेंगे . यही हाल स्वामी निगमानंद सरस्वती का भी हुआ जिन्होंने गंगा की पवन धारा को बचने के लिए अपनी क़ुरबानी तक दे दी. 
चार महींनो तक अनशन करने के बाद स्वामी निगमानंद ने गंभीर अवस्था में जोल्ली ग्रांट हिमालयन इंस्टिट्यूट में दम तोड़ दिया. इससे पहले भी कई बार गंगा को अवैध खनन से बचने के लिए आवाज़े बुलंद करने वाले स्वामी निगमानंद ने अनशन का सहारा लिया था. पर बार बार आश्वाशन और कार्यवाही के नाम पर उनकी श्रधा और समर्पण को ठगा गया. 
कब कब प्रशाशन ने दिया झूठा आश्वाशन 
पिछले बारह साल से गंगा को अवैध खनन से बचने के लिए तत्पर स्वामी निगमानंद सरस्वती ने इससे पहले २० जनवरी २००८ से लेकर १ अप्रैल २००८ तक भूख हरताल की थी , जल्द ही गंगा के किनारे पत्थर का खनन बंद कर दिया गया था , पर ये चुप्पी अस्थायी थी उनकी आवाज़ को शांत करने के लिए. क्यूंकि कुछ दिनों बाद फिर  खनन शुरू हो गया. 
एक बार मात्री सदन के स्वामी दयानंद ने भी १६३ दिनों तक अनशन कर अवैध खनन को बंद कराने की मांग की थी. फिर से खनन बंद हुआ पर इस बार भी नतीजा सिफार रहा क्यूंकि कुछ दिनों बाद फिर खनन शुरू हो गया. 
मात्री सदन के ब्लॉग के अनुसार हिमालयन स्टोन क्रेशर गंगा नदी के तल को नुकशान पहुंचा रहा है और साथ ही कुम्भ मेले का आयोजन करने वाले हरिद्वार के घाटों को भी भरी क्षति पहुंचा रहा है . पिछले दस सालों से युध्सतर पर जरी बालू और पत्थर का खनन न तो रुकने का नाम ले रहा है और न ही प्रशासन इस पर कार्यवाई कर रही है.
अरे भाई! इस ज़माने में आप प्रशासन से क्या उम्मीद रखते हैं. जो सरकार ही ऐसे संरक्षण न दे तो क्या ये धंधे यूँ ही फल फूल जायेंगे. हर गैरकानूनी , असंवैधानिक और अवैध कारोबार को चलने में सरकार का पूरा समर्थन , पोर्त्साहन और संरक्षण रहता है. अवैध करोबारियों की हिम्मत इतनी बढ़ जाती है की अन्संकारियों के जान तक ले लेते हैं. 
यही तो नियति है सच्चे समर्पण की कि उन्हें मौत ही नसीब होती है. वर्ना अनशन पर बैठने वाले बैठने वाले अन्ना और रामदेव और उनकी सेना ने भी कुछ कमल कर दिखाया होता. इन्हें तो बस प्रसिधी कि भूख थी . ये तो उन बॉलीवुड वालो से भी गिल गुजरे हैं जो अपनी फिल्म कि पुब्लिसिटी के लिए क्या कुछ नहीं करते. भाई! वो तो बनिए हैं अपना सामान बेचते हैं . पर ये अनशनकारियों क्या बेचने कि जुगत में हैं. 
भाई हम तो यही कहेंगे कि ये पब्लिक है ये सब जानती है....अन्दर क्या है बहार क्या है ....सब पब्लिक पहचानती है.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Life is all about adjustment becuase that's the key to success in everyone's life. If you want to excel in this modern competitive world you have to adjust every now and then. Right from the time a mother concieves, the child had to adjust according to her womb size. Then, after coming to the world you meet this adjustment at point of your life.  Ley me tell you my own very story as an example- I was born overweight because i was my parents second baby so by the time my mother concieved me her womb had already enlarged. Therefore, my overweightiness was the ultimate result. Grew up in extremely middle class family and therefore was deviod of luxury, but obviously excluding my EDUCATION. Life was a mess without comforts but then I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. But, the love and support provided by family covered up all the discomforts. Recieving good education too called for a lot of weird and disheartening adjustments.
Three years of painful exile :-
1) year one was crucial because it was my first time in hostel with a lot of different kinds of girls around me. Worst experience ever because I came to knew a lot of secrets of girls. Their fake face, fake expressions, jealousy, and what not. Leave it, I have a long list.
2) year two was horriblest I ever experinced. Had a very bad fight with rommates and this made third year like hell. what kept me in was my dedication towards study. I adjusted with these low mentality people and made my way through to my dream destination to BHU.
what I got here was trechery, deceit and fraud people, obviously excluding those who are my sweet heart and my life's ultimate buddies. again the same hell like hostel and the same high mentality fraud inmates to adjust with.
so this is how you have to adjust at every point of your life.
Lastly, I can say that...I was born wide...but i always had to pass through narrow lanes... because God wanted me to adjust...adjust and adjust every time make life took a turn.!
So, learn Adjustment and excel in life...!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

what is development for bihar!

Last friday being good friday was a good day for a visit to the newly inaugrated P&M mall and cinepolis. It seemed as if people all over the city was present there that day to celebrate this very development with big bazar!.. What a scenario it was to watch people crawling on all the floors with great excitement and amusement.. even the product quality was good and worth purchasable..while coming out of the mall I felt the breeze of development blowing aroud myself..I walked out of the mall with proud and a smile on the face of having the first mall in our city...when I began proceeding towards my home..i thought of eating icecream..i stopped at the vendor and helped myself with an soon as i removed my eays from the tasty stuff i found a person sitting by the side of the road drinking water from a pit by the side of a road.. wen I asked the vendor, he replied of water crisis and tubewells being dried smile vanished...n proud changed into disgust....
I began thinking...what development is in the real intellect said... a state which do not possess the basic requirements of the people like water and come that state can be declared doing of malls and halls nowhere is a sign of development...polishing the infrastructure of the capital of the state is more of partiality than progress....when whole statemen is crying and dying for water and electricity how can that state be marked as developing...continuous supply of electricity and unhindered avaliability of water is needed before we proceed for malls and halls...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Anna and Media changing colours

Anna Hazare, a name which kept the media and therefore the whole country engrossed for a whole week needs no introduction. To succeed, a plan needs a proper strategy and a witty presentation, so that the stars can turn favourable.  This is what happened with the 21st century’s so called Gandhi alias Hazare. As awesome the place Jantar Mantar was as much suitable the time ( after World Cup and before IPL) also was.
Anna turned the cards favourable for him with a single word ‘CORRUPTION’, a term which does not even have a specific definition. Nonetheless, the whole country stood for him and shouted slogans against corruption before television cameras. Even the social networking sites, like, Facebook and Twitter were also going gaga over this political fast until death drama. Youngsters were arguing with each other over Anna. But, the silly reality was that they neither knew about Anna and nor the lokpal bill.
As soon as Anna broke his fast and gulped down the orange juice, the favourable cards changed their colours. Then the supporters now became critics and the picture presented by media again became confusing. The first and foremost ethics of journalism say that media must not take sides because it’s work is just to disseminate the information as it is. But, what is evident is that, some media houses are continuously adding to the woes of Anna and some are still on the support mode.
What is strange is that Anna himself is trying to catch media’s attention, not to tell people what is to be done against corruption but explaining and clarifying his position. This sort of political drama creates abhorrence among people and compels them to distrust the so called social icons.
In the blind race of becoming Gandhi Anna seem to forget the negative role for which media was gearing up. The credibility of the accusations made and the CD’s found cannot be proved by anyone. But, what seem certain is that this sort of activities will keep on providing spices to the media and entertainment to the people in leisure for gossiping and chatting over issues like corruption.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Mission: A promise accomplished!

What a humdinger of a match! It was an ecstasy to watch this kind of a cricket match and more than that being on the victorious side. When the game started at 2 P.M with the toss, people doubted team India’s loss at the toss. Superstition claimed that it may have a great effect on this game and indeed it had. Losing the toss and going for fielding was the first thing that seemed to be heavy on the Indian side. The influx of Srilankan runs after the tenth over and the stupendous ton by Mahela Jaywardhane was the second nail that was supposed to be put in the coffin of India’s defeat. Still, some hope was rumbling inside the veins of the 121 crore people of the country. Cricket is said to be a game of uncertainty, and the Indian fans are well know to match it. Anyways, then began the highly electrifying second chase innings for victory. Everybody’s breathe became uncontrolled and got stuck in the stomach when shewag left the field just on the second ball of malinga. This they believed was the third blow to the Indian side. A few overs had just crossed by and Sachin- Gambhir where picking up the heat and our breathes were easing when sachin left the ground and people were completely shocked aspiring it to be the last nail in the coffin of defeat.
But, as said never loose hope strategy again worked out and India started the chase with pure dedication. Gautam Gambhir’s  knock helped to push some nails in the outward direction. His partnership with Virat Kohli was building up and the people again saw a ray of hope when Virat got bowled over and left the field in agitation. Now was the time when someone as responsible and as clam as our skipper was needed to take India to victory. Dhoni was running out of form and therefore people had little expectation for him. But, what a charisma he created on the field in the final of the world cup. He needs to be saluted for that. His patience and clam and decisions all worked together at this moment and helped himself and his country to reach the victory. Slowly and steadily all the nails came out and the coffin was open where stayed the surprise in form of glowing and shining world cup.
Above everything it was promise once made that was being fulfilled. It was a promise made form captain cool to the greatest cricket star ever, sachin tendulkar. It doesn’t seem that if sachin would have completed his tons ton he would have been so happy as he was yesterday without it. Winning was the ultimate thing that not only brought happiness to them but to the whole nation.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I am still standing at d street where u left my hand!
trying to catch ur shadow which is running out like sand!
the corner of d eye hs dried up shedding tears!
but d heart is still moist n filled wid fears!
i left everythng n ran at ur every call!
n nw u made sepration made stand b/w us like a wall!
my life was stucked n nights went sleeplees!
i tried too hard to settle but all in a mess!
my heart was sinking n my feelings dried!
my trust in u went splitting n cried!
but one fine morning i woke n realized!
frever being together d love ws sacrificed!
may b u r far n ur emotions i can't see!
but ur voice shows d luv n care u hv fr me!
i m so glad dat ur explainations were so straight!
luv cn subside but frndshp will alwz b great!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

professional media: a place devoid of ethics....!

media means responsibility. responsibility towards society n its ppl. as we indians are ruled by certain unwritten norms of the society, our media should also be guided by this sense of responsibility. but wht does responsibility stands for in the ugly world of cut throat professionalism. competition is an oudated word today. the new ones corporate and professionalism are occupying the throne today. Media is just a profession to produce more n more profits and ppl associated with media are merely employees who use their heads to increase circulation, TRP and produce funds...recently a journalist saved a family frm a burning train when they were thrown out of the AC compartement...and ensured their safe return to their dats wht we call responsibility...nt only of being a journalist but also of d modern wrld media is a place cmpltly deviod of ppl waiting to join in must be aware of dat n must be prepared to adjust...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Corruption- The Blood Sucking Leech

When we talk about corruption it doesn't only mean taking bribe. corruption includes a whole lot of things within it's fold. When the moral of an individual is gone corruption intrudes. Well in the recent past we have seen an overflowing GDP never achieved before. great is our economist mastero Prime Minister Manmohan Singh who led the GDP to rise from ground to roof, reached up to sky would really be an exaggeration. However this GDP bound economic growth of the country brought many imminent leaders (Politicians) from all over the world to our doorsteps. What for, have you ever thought what compelled the strongest person of the earth say ' JAI HIND' . The person who publicized himself as the icon of change is now in serious trouble as his country is going through deep economic recession. So someone was at our door steps to beg and we being indians emerging from great cultural background could not refuse. Hmm...this really incites me and with proud I pat my back. But invain when I think about 2-G, CWG, Adarsh scam, etc,.

Corruption is that intruder, who with it's attractiveness and charisma can make you blind and fall in it's trap. So what if Raja and kalmadi are being blamed for the charges of corruption, they too are a victim of this sexy intruder. How can someone allege only them, when the whole system is corrupt. It's like a blood sucking leech which can't be removed by salt, because yet now no such salt is available on the market. Our culture ridden society has rapidly moved to the corruption ridden society. Voluminous sums of money have been involved in such scams which have not been consumed by any individaul but the whole section working for the purpose. Does it matter do people? Why are we making such a hue and cry on the inflation and the price rise and are quite on the matter of punishing the corrupts. The simple reason is we are one among them, among the blood sucking leech's. Don't the readers think this price is all because of these fradulent activities which claimed the hard earned money of the lower and middle section of the society.

Anyways, whenever, whereever you thought ill for others and tried to harm them you were not only being selfish but corrupt too. What conclusion can be drawn from such a boring discussion is that people will never speak against any atrocities being inflicted on them, simply because it doesn't matter to them. They have enough of blood and don't mind loosing some. concludingly, it doesn't matter because they don't care whatsoever.