Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Being a writer you can't speak anything

As being a journalist you can't ask anything. The same way being a writer you can't speak anything. Arundhati roy says that KASHMIR HAS NEVER BEEN A PART OF INDIA. I must say she thinks herself to be the greatest writer on this earth or the most intellectual person in this world. Please someone ask her to read the history as well as to see the kind of efforts India is taking to save  and protect it. There is something called INDIAN ARMY which is deployed at the border, especially in Kashmir to protect it from terrorist's infiltration, terror attacks and god knows how many kind of assaults. Yes I agree to the point that Army made a great mistake in shooting and killing the localites. They should have cross checked thousand of times before they did it. But haven't they lost thier lives fighting of the dignity of the place. Imagine for a few seconds that kashmir is made free and receives it's independence. Now how can you say that there won't be any more attacks any more infiltartions. Suppose the attacks continue, the  border is being infiltarted continously who will then protect the borders. The local people...do they know how to protect themselves...or their leaders who will be the first to run away when the localites will be launched with an attack...what the localites can do most efficiently is to listen to their misleading leaders and stage protests and make hue and cry. Please go to local people and ask them what do they think that how they can remian in peace. how will they protect themselves? how will they remain in peace? how will they progress? who can say that the one who will govern them cud maintain their independence.and not sell them to someone eles...hmm...these innocent poor localites can never understand the politics being played by those in power.
And U MISS ARUNDHATI ROY ...aap bhale hi bahut badi lekhika hongi par iska matlab ye nhi hai ki aapko sab kuch pata hai....ek state ko chalne me hazaron force kaam karte hain aur aap kitni bhi intelllectual ho hazar forces ko nhi samajh sakti...isliye jara soch samajh kar bole...

Friday, October 8, 2010


A local court on Friday sentenced taxi driver Shiva Kumar to 'life imprisonment till death' for the 2005 rape and murder of BPO employee Pratibha Srikantha Murthy. Fast Track Court Judge B V Guddali pronounced the sentence in a packed courtroom against Kumar for killing the 28-year-old employee of HP GlobalSoft.
The judge also sentenced the accused to 20 years of rigorous imprisonment with a fine of Rs.20,000 under for raping Pratibha. Shiva Kumar was also handed down a sentence of 10 years rigorous imprisonment with a fine of Rs.10,000 for kidnapping her.

Rapists doesn't recognize this that they have destroyed the life nt only one individual but everyone related to the victim because they are not humane they are like wild beast some kind of barbaric animal who knows nothing beyond his barbarity...then for what we have the society...these people or sud i say beasts sud be hanged till death in front of the society...they sud be given an examplenery punishment by hanging nt only their body but also there corrupt soul so that even there soul cn get a punishment..

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Guts beyond fear!

Generak Parvez Musharraff....may be he is no more a general and no more the president of the most disputed country pakistan..but he knows how to remian in news and how to remain highlighted...he has again hit the news by saying that PAKISTAN produced TERRORISTS in the camps inside the boundries of the country to be used against INDIA. ..Can I take the the chance to ask those people who joined the camps that how is their life going on...a few more questions are they happy...are they leading a luxrious life or have they captured INDIAN territory...let me answer form their behalf they are leading the most miserable life and don't even know what are they doing and why are they doing it....what will they gain from this...bad image for their country...miserable life for themselves...boycott from their families...
I heard and read a lot about Adolf Hitler and the role he palyed during second world war....he massacred the JEWS and tried to make germany the most powerful country of the world....he thought about the benefit of his country may be he did wrong to others and inflicted fury's on them but not on his own....Mr. Musharraff not even spared his own people and country...and look at the guts of the man accepting in front of the whole world that he did preapred terrorists against INDIA...just that he forgot to mention against the whole world...
I have heard and seen the downfall of dictators....but i hv never seen someone not accepting their fault at the verge of death...i always use to think that if INDIA wud nt hv been divided into nepal, pak, bangladesh i wud hv been so powerful bt now i don't think like that bcoz i m sure that if it wud hv been the matter the same thing wud hv happnd to our country as is being showerd on pakistan....i am so ashamed to say that our neighbours were always jealous and tried to stab us from the back and more importantly admitted it from the front!
I wish Allah cud give them some good sense and they can save whatever they hv..

Monday, September 20, 2010

igniting my senses

From the time i have joined my new or i must say the first job ever in my life, i came to know what it means to be working under someone. I am observing people around me very cautiously from the very first day. People here are so self obssessed. they don't give us anything to do beacuse thay are afraid that we will overthrow them and capture their kingdom.I must tell u these oldies are so mean minded and therfore this generation gap will always be there. what do they think they can stop us by this disgusting act. filthy people with filthy minds...don't want us to move ahead of them...simply disgusting...let me tell u oldies that if i have the capability to move ahead no one in the world can stop me....a thousand of you can't just stop the thundering tsunami roaring inside me..know what it will simply be ur loss...unfortunate ppl ....envying from us instead of teaching us.....i still remember the day i told the receptionist and gaurd of hindustan patna that u were on this post 10 years ago also and will continue to be there...n meanwhile u'll see where we;ll go...good nvr even dare to think that ur filthy acts can stop us....i will certainly do capture there crown and make them understand what it feels to be ignored...

Friday, July 23, 2010

siksha ke mandir ki ghinauni tasvir!

गुरु गोविन्द दोनों खड़े, काके लागु पाए
बलिहारी गुरु अपने गोविन्द दियो बताये
यह सूक्ति एक ऐसा शाश्वत सत्य है जिसे झुठलाने की कल्पना भी नहीं की जा सकती| हमारा देश अत्यंत प्राचीन काल से ही गुरु शिष्य परंपरा की मिशाल रही है| यहाँ विद्यादान को महादान मन जाता अहै और गुरु को इश्वर से भी श्रेष्ठ उपाधि दी जाती है| आज हमारे समाज में गुरु शिष्य परंपरा का जो हाल है वो अपने आप में एक ऐसी दास्ताँ बयां करता है की सुनने वालों के रौंगटे खड़े हो जाते हैं |

बाजारीकरण की इस दौर में जहाँ सभ्यता औरसंस्कृति को भी बिकाऊ माल की तरह प्रदर्शित किया जाता है, वहां शिक्षा भला इसका कोपभजन बनने से कैसे बचती | शिक्षा पद्धति, शिक्षा प्रणाली में बदल गयी और शिक्षा के मंदिर, स्कूलों में तब्दील हो गएँ | शिक्षा के रीढ़ की हड्डी को तोड़ कर उसे बाजारू बना दिया गया |

यहाँ तक तो ठीक था क्यूंकी हमें और हमारी शिक्षा पद्धति को प्रतिस्पर्धा के इस दौर  में अपना अस्तित्व बनाये रखना था | परन्तु आज शिक्षा के ये मंदिर घृणित कार्यों का ऐसा कर्यषेत्र बन गए हैं की इस पर थूकना भी अशोब्निया सा जान पड़ता है|

जो गुरु इश्वर से बढ़कर थे वो शैतान का ऐसा रूप धारण कर चुके हैं की मौत भी शर्मशार हो जाये | इन बुद्धिजीवियों के कृत्यों ने पूरे समाज को ये सोचने पर मजबूर कर दिया है की आखिर वो अपने बच्चो का पढने के लिए कहाँ भेजें |

हैदराबाद के पर्क्वुद स्कूल में जो भी घटा वो नीचता की ऐसी कहानी है जिसे बयां करना में भी शर्म आती है | मैंने भी स्कूल में पढाई की है सालों विद्यार्थी जीवन गुजरा है लेकिन कभी ऐसी नीचता नहीं देखि | पर्क्वूद स्कूल के प्रधानाचार्य के जो घीनौनी हरकत की है वो अशोभनीय ही नहीं अमानवीय भी है | ऐसे ही जयपुर के एक सरकारी स्कूल में ८ वीं कक्षा की छात्र के साथ वहां के तेअचेर ने जो दुष्कर्म किया है, वो समाज को एक ऐसा आएना दिखा रही है की हर इंसान की रूह काँप उठे |

आखिर किस अस्वाशन पर अभिभावक अपने बच्चो को इन स्कूलों में भेजें ? समाज के ऊँचे पायदान पर बैठे शिक्षक जो लड़कियों की शिक्षा के लिए लोगों को प्रोत्साहित कर रहे हैं, उनका कोई कैसे विस्वास करे? आखिर कब तक शिक्षा के मंदिरों में ये शोषण चलता रहेगा? क्यूँ सरकार और समाज इस दरिंदगी की दास्ताँ सुन के भी चुप बैठा है? कब तक मासूम प्रताड़ना झेलते रहेंगे? क्या इन शैतानो को कभी सजा नहीं मिलेगी?

यूँ तो इश्वर हर किसी को अपने किये की सजा देता है, लेकिन फिर भी इन आमंविया कार्यों से छुटकारा पाने के लिए आवाज़ उठानी होगी| इन दुष्कर्मियों को पूरे समाज के सामने ऐसी सजा देनी होगी की शैतान की रूह भी काँप उठे |

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Close System never survives!

English is the only language which incorporated the maximum amount of words from various languages of the world. That's why English is so rich as a language with more than two lakh words.  It is impossible to count the no. of words in a language because it's so tough to decide what counts as a word. English language always had an open mode of accepting words from all the languages of the world and that's why its so famous and widely used. Indian culture is also like english language which incorporates new cultures and traditions and blend them so well that it grows as a country everyday.
All this introduction is just to prove that a close system never survives. some old languages of the world didn't survive because they followed the closed system pattern. Today internet is an important part of humans life . Every bit of information, every single individual can connect to one another in just a click of the mouse. We are so fortunate to have such an access to the internet where we can express our thoughts and can know others. Google, Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail. Rediffmail, etc, has made our life so simple. You can reach to any part of the world in seconds. Social Networking sites like Facebook, Orkut, etc, allows you to be connected to your people and people in any part of the world.

Now, can you imagine of a place without internet? Its such a horrible place. If a child commits some mistake in the school, the solution is not to keep him seated in the home. The solution is to make him understand. Pakistan High court's recent decisions on banning Google and Yahoo has come as a bolt of thunder for the country itself. It banned almost nine websites including Hotmail, Islam Exposed, The name of Allaah, Amazon and Bing following the last months decision to ban Facebook for publishing the caricatures of Prophet Mohammed. Every religion has go the right to defend itself, but defending doesn't mean banning the websites. An opposition from the country could have been enough to tackle with this problem. They also say that they banned these sites because they where accused of publishing and promoting blasphemous material. If this really is the reason why not ban the pornographic sites first.

If right to express oneself is a sin then pornography is the biggest sin. Can someone like Pakistan save its culture just by banning websites. What an hypocrisy, a country still following Polygamy says something is sacrilegious. Instead of making so much hue and cry they should visit to their old scriptures to understand their religion better. If banning websites was the only solution then by now Pak would really have been heaven and worth a place to live in.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

26 Years of Blindness

Bhopal Gas Tragedy, which took 15,000 lives and still continuing to affect the natives, was the worst ever man made industrial calamity in the history of the world. Union carbide India Limited used to produce a pesticide named carbaryl which used Methyl Isocynate as a raw material.

The UCIL was running in a loss since 1980. The poor economic condition of the firm halted its production. This led to use of MIC which was cheap but more hazardous. Company started reducing it's expenses. The workers were asked to ignore the poor conditions and not to demand for the maintenance. Halting of the promotions, salary cuts and termination of the employees; seriously affected their morale and led to the escape of some of the most skilled and trained workmen.

The UCIL was not maintained properly. The tanks, pipes and other equipments used during productions were corroded and damaged. These always led to small incidents of leakage but they went unnoticed giving way to the December 3, 1984 leakage swallowing 15,000 lives.

Now, the question is who was responsible for this incident? recently seven ex-employees,  including the former chairman of UCIL, were convicted in Bhopal for causing death by negligence and sentenced to 2 yrs imprisonment. There is much hue and cry in media as to who was responsible for the escape of Warren Anderson, the then CEO of UCIL, being regarded as the main convict.

If we apply a bit of logical thinking apart from being emotional, we can see through the dust which settled in our minds in last 26 years. Warren Anderson was just a toy in the hands of Union Carbide Corporation of U.S. He must have been under their pressure to ignore the poor conditions and keep the production on. UCIL, which was 50.9% under UCC's control and 49.1% under Indian investor's control kept on deteriorating after 1980. If the UCC was creeping in silence, why did the Indian investors kept mum? Why they never came forward and spoke to UCC.

When we work in an office we are guided by our bosses, we just can't act according to our wishes. The ex- employees, accused of negligence were people without power. If we really want justice, we should drag the owners, both of UCC and their Indian counterparts to the court and seek an explanation as to why they didn't stop the production when there was no fund.

The major issue in not about the escape of Warren Anderson or the involvement of Rajeev Gandhi and other politicians in his escape. The major issue is the loss of lives and the suffering which this calamity brought. Why always Indian media and eventually Indian mass related everything to politics? Maybe because we have developed an attitude of seeking political answers to every question.

Whatever be the decision of court, it can never pay back the losses incurred on the people. And at least, after 26 years of the tragedy there is no point accusing or punishing anyone. But this is how we think as a nation and work as a nation and that is why we never learn from our past experiences.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Cricket- The hypocrisy of Democrary!

Pick up any newspaper of the country and turn to sports page, 98% of the news items belong to cricket and cricketing stars. From last few days, as the FIFA FEVER is on, the newspapers are paying attention to it. Slovenia defeated Algeria  or classy Germany crushed Australia by 4-0 are only the headlines of the top newspapers, they are not an issue to be discussed later. Especially, we Indians will read it and forget it after wards. The only thing which we can do is to criticize the Indian soccer team for not being even able to qualify for the Fifa World Cup.  Recently, read a lot of articles in leading newspaper regarding the failure of Indian football team to qualify in the World Cup.

The major issue of concern is not the world cup and the football being played in the dark continent, the concern is about cricket, which spread as a religion in our country. September 2007 will definitely be remembered in the history of Indian sports as an important month which gave India dual achievements of clinching T20 Cricket World Cup and Hockey Asia cup.The hangover of winning the T20 world cup is still alive in our memories. Every one remembers the 6 sixes of Yuvraj Singh which paved the way for the graceful victory. people remember each and every bit of information regarding this victory but do we remember the marvelous performances by our hockey players which led  to the smashing victory in the Asia Cup, certainly not.
Indian cricket team received Rs. 2 crore as a tournament prize after winning the T20 WC. BCCI, announced Rs. 8 crore for winning the finals.BCCI even gave away Rs. 4 crore for reaching the fianl and Rs. 1 crore to Yuvraj Singh alone. Players received Rs. 21 lakhs from the state govts. to which they belong. Players received Apartments from Sahara worth Rs. 25 lakhs. Many special honors and awards were created for bestowing the players. Do you know hom much hockey players got after their magnificent victory? Individaul greeting message was sent by our honorable President. For the newspapers and TV channels it was just a sports news item and featured in the sports page.No special mention in electronic media or print media about the players. whereas media went gaga over the T20 WC and kept discussing about it for a whole month or even more.

Rs. 1000 for every goal scored and Rs. 1 crore for 6 sixes. What an hypocrisy? Hockey being our national game, is in excruciatingly pathetic codition. The hockey players got Rs. 5000 as match fee for winning a game of international repute. If such is the condition of hockey and such is the status of cricket in the mind of people, government and media, then why not make it the national game of the country? why is this hypocrisy about keeping hockey as the national game when the Indian masses are more concerned about cricket? Media played a major role in making cricket as the religion of the country. If it would have payed a little attention not only towards hockey but also the other games flourishing in the country, we could have won more medals in olympics and other international sports events.

The bloody hypocrites sitting in the media never allowed any one to rise, whereas its role was to inform the truth and make people aware. They just played the ugly game of politics of highlighting someone and suppressing others.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

vadiyan mera daman rashten meri bahain jaao mere siwa tum kahan jaooge!!!
No, No its not the praise of any beautiful, charming lady. i am talking about the beauty of nature.The ecstatic and spell-bounding beauty of the lush green nature.  India is a place which has been blessed with the natural beauty in abundance from the Almighty.Himalayas, the dazzling diamond crown is not only glorifying the capitulum of the country but also preventing it from the intruders to invade its cultural beauty and multi-lateral diversity. The western side is surrounded by the Arabian sea, eastern side by the gigantic Bay of Bengal and south with the captivating Indian ocean.

Kashmir as everyone knows is called the 'HE AVEN ON EARTH'. The freezing beauty of the mountain peaks, the captivating water and house boats of Dal Lake, and the amazing people are a toast to the fantasy to anyone's dream land.The tourists destinations are spread all across the country, but the place I am going to talk about is Kerala, The land of spices.
Graced by the Arabian sea on the west, the western ghats on east ans networked by forty-four rivers kerala lies on the southern tip of Indian peninsula. Kerala is an ideal place to visit on your tour to south India.From mind blowing landscapes to infinite intriguing customs, high intensity cultural life to the educated public, holidays and tour in Kerala is an unique experience in itself. Better known as God's own country Kerala has many tourist destinations. Tiruvananthpuram, kozikode, kochi, kottayam, kovalam, palakkad are the major ones.

Here one can experience the backwaters of kerala, lush hill stations, exotic wildlife, ayurveda health resorts, enchanting art forms, magical festivals, historic and cultural monuments and exotic cuisine.In short kerala is a dreamy holiday destination of india.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Get Ready for the competition!

CBSE has launched a new grading system for the class 10th students. No, this is not the latest news. Even the trend of grading has started from this very year (2010). As everybody knows that this year all students have been awarded grades instead of marks and the practice of declaring compartment/Fail has been discontinued. Previously, there used to be two categories under which the results were issued, it was either pass or fail, but now these two categories has been changed into Eligible for qualifying Certificate (QUAL) and Eligible for improvement of performance (EIPO). This system of grading is said to have been launched to relieve the students from the tension of the cut- throat competition. Now the big question is, is it really going to help the students in their future endeavors?

Different kinds of grades are made, signifying different level of marks. For eg: A1 ranges for the marks between 91-100, A2 from 81-90, B1 from 71-80, B2 from 61-70 and so on. If Rohit and Kartik both gets A1 in Maths, how to differentiate between their marks, because kartik may have got 99 and rohit may have got 93. This is the lacuna of the grading system and students will have to bear its consequences.

In Exams like IIT-JEE, AIPMT, AIEEE and the like, even 0.01 percent marks are so important to decide your fate. How will the students cope up with this competition if they don't realize the pressure of being in a competition. No one will be failed, this is such a jolly situation where students will never realize the significance of hard work and the excruciating disappointment of failure.

When this fresh batch will go out for higher education and admissions in the prestigious colleges of the country, they will have to run helter and scalter to prove their merit. It is really going to be tough for the batches who are going to face the evaluation of their intelligence and hard work under grading system. It is extremely disappointing that the base of competition in academics has lost its significance.

Some students are really happy and some are sad and disappointed about this new grading system of CBSE. Will it really turn out to be beneficial for students or will it ruin the sentiment of competition between the students (which they will have to face when they go out of the school) is a spectacle to watch.

If we see the positive side of the grading system, the average students will be benefited, getting more opportunities in higher studies. But only future will give a vision as to how things roll on. We can just hope for the best and pray for the betterment of our students.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Who is responsible: Naxals or the Govt.??

Dantewada was the biggest massacre ever in the history of India. India has faced many such security threats in the past, but now what the country is struggling with is the internal seurity of the country. Because of the internal conflicts India is failing miserably in the International arena. Now when the whole country is talking about internal conflicts, one can't avoid the greatest internal threat to the national security of the country called 'NAXALISM'.

Naxalism originating from west bengal has spread its wings into less developed areas of the rural central and eastern India. such as Chattisgarh and Andhra pradesh. They are specially concentrated in a area specially named as 'Red Corridor, which covers almost 92,000 sq. km, including approximately 220 districts in 20 states.
The problem of naxalism is becoming monstrous day by day.Now the basic question is who are these naxals and what do they want? naxals are a group of rebel who resent deep injustice meted out to the poor and want fair justice and equal opportunities of development. Tribals who faced the brunt of exploitation were now encouraged by the political parties to seek the path of violence to get justice.
Apart from West Bengal, political parties in jharkhand also facilitated the entry of maoists into the state. naxalism has became a blemish on the face of Jharkhand were 22 out of 24 districts have been declared to be naxal affected.
Naxal movement which started with a reason now seems to loose its purpose in the mist of political corridors. Tribals instead of getting justice are now trapped between the naxals and the government.In last two decades thousands of people have been killed in the maoist attacks.the fresh attack on dantewada killing 80 security personnel on April,10 and 40 innocent villagers in the bus attack on May,17 is very brutal example of the destruction and threat, the country is facing.
Will only the reaction given by the political parties solve this problem? Can operation 'Green Hunt' make our country Naxal free? Who will give the answers to these questions. What are the Naxals trying to prove? Aren't they fighting more for getting political power and recognition then to achieve their purpose of development. They are just adding to those people's woes who used to regard them as their friend and well wisher.
India, as a nation can never progress if it is unable to sought out its internal conflicts.Its a high time Government finds a answer to this problem. The government is just waiting for the appropriate political equation to solve this problem.This same political equation is meant everything for their political position that's above God or Motherland to them.