A local court on Friday sentenced taxi driver Shiva Kumar to 'life imprisonment till death' for the 2005 rape and murder of BPO employee Pratibha Srikantha Murthy. Fast Track Court Judge B V Guddali pronounced the sentence in a packed courtroom against Kumar for killing the 28-year-old employee of HP GlobalSoft.
The judge also sentenced the accused to 20 years of rigorous imprisonment with a fine of Rs.20,000 under for raping Pratibha. Shiva Kumar was also handed down a sentence of 10 years rigorous imprisonment with a fine of Rs.10,000 for kidnapping her.
Rapists doesn't recognize this that they have destroyed the life nt only one individual but everyone related to the victim because they are not humane they are like wild beast some kind of barbaric animal who knows nothing beyond his barbarity...then for what we have the society...these people or sud i say beasts sud be hanged till death in front of the society...they sud be given an examplenery punishment by hanging nt only their body but also there corrupt soul so that even there soul cn get a punishment..
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